


Can MVEP teach my staff and I to do living history? 

Emphatically, YES! 

Our favorite task is teaching others how to do living history and create their own characters and programs. Both general overview classes of the techniques, tools, and capabilities of living history, as well as specific coaching workshops designed to walk a new living historian through the steps of research, reproduction, and development of dramatic program are available as part of our standard repertoire.  A custom program to train living historians for your specific requirements could also be easily developed.

Sample Instruction Outline of a four hour introduction to Living History (for training a park staff.)

Hour 1 - what are you talking about and what's in it for me?

        What is "Living History"?

        Must I be able to Act? 

        Is it a marketable skill?

Hour 2 - What is an "Impression" and How do I go about choosing One?

        Elements of a Living History Impression




        How do I choose my impression?

Hour 3 - How do I interact with the Public in "First Person"?

         Elements and definition of "First Person"

        Techniques of "First Person'

                Script vs. Improv. - its easier to know the material than to memorize a script.

Hour 4 - Resources and how to use them

        Local resources

        Public and University Libraries


        Internet (Beware!)

        Material Resources

        Networking - may be the most important!



Ozark Folk Center, May and July 1998
MVEP conducted two training sessions for the Folk Center to train all the craft demonstrators in the techniques of living history and then helped six employees to fully develop their impression and work on presentation techniques.
    Contact Kay Thomas, Program Director
Ozark Folk Center,  Mountain View, Arkansas 72560.  

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